May 7, 2018
Governor Dennis Dougaard has appointed Nancy J. Turbak Berry to the South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners. The nine-member Board is charged with protecting the health and welfare of South Dakota citizens by assuring that only qualified physicians and other health care professionals are licensed to practice in the state. Board members oversee the processes of both licensing and handling consumer complaints. Turbak Berry joins a former regional director of FEMA as the only non-physicians on the Board.
Turbak Berry, an attorney practicing in Watertown, occasionally has represented doctors before the Board, though her greater experience with professional licensing and discipline has been in service to the State Bar of South Dakota. For six years, Turbak Berry served on the Disciplinary Board for lawyers in the state, eventually chairing that Board. “The general principles are basically the same,” she says. “When citizens rely on a licensed professional – whether in the medical, legal, or some other profession – they deserve to know the professional has the competence and good character to be deserving of a South Dakota license.”
For more information, contact Turbak Law Office today at (866) 231-0914.